Trip Cooler
tag # 000154
I'm not sure where I even got this but it has certainly
served me well... It fits right on the hump between
the back seat and the emergency brake. I usually fill
it with cheese, and cans of Coke..
I don't have airconditioning in my car so it is really
great to have some cold beverages when I drive long
distances. I once drove from New York to Salt lake City
Utah without really stopping. It was a 37 hr drive and
by the time I got there I was barely awake.
When I drive alone I try to drive as far as I can without
stopping. I usually plan to only stop when I need to
get some gas, and since my car gets about 30-40 miles
to the gallon, that's along time between stops.
It was a little difficult when I had my thermos full
of coffee. But now that my thermos is owned by someone
in the Bronx, I may not need to take as many bathroom