Canned Ham
Tag # 000238
Last year at this time I was seriously convinced that the world
could end on New Years Day. So instead of going to the big bash
in Time Square, I joined my friends Bekah Zarela, and Doug and
a few of their friends out on Long Island to prepare what I
though may be my last supper.
Well, I was wrong... really wrong, and I got my folks so worked
up about it that my dad went out and bought a few weeks worth
of provisions. But rather than buy a ready made disaster kit,
he came up with his own emergency list, including 5 cans of
spanish peanuts, a few 1 liter bottles of tonic water, and three
canned hams.
This fall I opened a care package from my family to find this
fine Danish Ham courtesy of the y2k rations that I advised my
dad to buy. I chose not to eat it just in case the real millennium
comes this year. If it doesn't look for this item to go up for
auction sometime after January 1.