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Director 6 Demystified
Tag # 000169

I bought this book when I took an interactive multimedia class from Franklin Miller in the Department of Cinema and Comparative Literature at the University of Iowa. He knows Director so well...

I think that the new economy is solely fueled by the sale of software textbooks. These companies are in such a hurry to role out new software versions that Netscape recently released Netscape 6... the last version that they released was 4.75... Where the hell did 5 go? I wonder if they have published a manual for the nonexistent version 5.....

The things is......... at least I actually own this book. I would sell you my copy of the out dated Director 6 software, but we actually don't "own" software, we license it. That way the software companies never have to take responsibility for the products that they rush to market. Even if their new software causes system wide problems which take weeks for you to fix they can't be held responsible.

"We're really sorry but you clicked the "I agree" button....."

I disagree... in fact maybe I will sell licenses to all of my stuff instead of selling it. I wonder how well that would go over...

Maybe you will soon license the automobile technology for the Ford Explorer. So that when Ford instructs their dealer's to under-inflate Firestone tires, in order to pass national safety roll-over tests.... Ford can say they that they are not liable for your child's death because you clicked the "I Agree" button......

all contents of this page © John D Freyer 2001.