from the Electric Company
tag# 000347
Did you know that Disney had anything to do with the
Electric Company? Neither did I. The only reason that
I would watch the Electric Company after Sesame Street
was because of "Spider Man"
He never did anything too heroic, never jumped a building,
saved a life.. In fact all he did was wrestle with conjunctions
and contractions... He was kind of a wimp.
But to me it didn't matter b/c it was Spider Man. And
even if it was some guy in a spandex suit, Spider Man's
existence in the broader culture trumped all of the
characters on Sesame Street.. He was on Saturday morning
cartoons and in the comics.
I still wrestle with conjunction and contractions..
I guess I never listened when he was gesturing... I
guess I was wishing that he'd swing from a building
or something.