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Good Old Gold
Tag # 000512

I received this shirt as a tip, from Matt at the Motley Cow Cafe in Iowa City, IA.. I used to wait tables there all last year. It was the best restaurant that I have ever worked in. It's really small , 6 tables or so, and really affordable.. Tom uses organic vegetables when they are available and serves a few different specials every night of the week...

On the first night that we started serving fresh fish(Tom was a Vegetarian at the time) We accidentally sent out a piece of fish that needed some extra time, so to speak... Thank god it went to our most regular of regulars, the owners of Running Wild...The place was packed and just as we were about to send out the properly re-cooked fish a tray fell to the ground causing Joe and Jean to have to wait even longer to eat.

Joe and Jean left me a $50 tip that night even though everything seemed to have gone wrong.. Tom, Tito and I went next door to Dirty John's Grocery and bought a $50 bottle of wine to share as we cleaned up for the night. If you are ever in Iowa City you will probably get a free drink or two if you show up wearing this shirt....

all contents of this page © John D Freyer 2001.