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Telephone List
Tag # 000012

Hand written telephone list of friends & business in IA city

When I moved to Iowa City I only knew two people, Margaret Stratton who teaches at the University of Iowa, and Tom Comerford who I went to Hamilton College with. Tom gave me this sheet of paper with the names and phone numbers for various people that might be interested in the type of work I make. I now am a research assistant for Ebon Fisher, who's name was at the top of the List, I have taken a few classes with Franklin Miller who is the next name down, and the last name is my friend Kent who ran the Thaw Festival in Iowa City. The rest of the names and number are my additions. Some folks I still speak too, some I donŐt. In fact I just wrote down Tom's new number in Chicago somewhere on the this list.

all contents of this page © John D Freyer 2001.