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Talking Japanese Key Chain
Tag # 000039

Gary Hesse gave me this key chair upon his return from a photography convention in Japan. Gary was my boss at Light Work. I learned so much from him in the three years that I worked with him.. From how to clean, maintain and repair a Hope Color processor, to almost everything that I know about digital imaging.

Working at Light Work was amazing b/c we were so under staffed that I had more responsibility that I ever imagined having almost as soon as I started. In fact it is a little frustrating to be a graduate student now b/c schools seldom give students any real responsibilities at all.. (a bit like a they are baby-sitting).

But the point is that working at Light Work was one of the best jobs I have ever had, and much of that was due to the support and knowledge that I gained from working with people like Jeff Hoone, Gary Hesse and Marylee Hodgens

all contents of this page © John D Freyer 2001.